===== Compute Canada Usage and Support Information ===== Here are the main sources of information for Calcul Quebec: ====General==== * **Main page**: https://wiki.calculquebec.ca/w/Accueil * **Running Jobs**: https://wiki.calculquebec.ca/w/Running_jobs * Notice the tabbed section discussing specifics of each system. * **Support**: use either the site team support (name_of_server@calculquebec.ca), such as described in http://www.calculquebec.ca/en/support-and-documentation/getting-help, or the general help (support@calculquebec.ca). ====Guillimin==== * **Space and Filesystems on Guillimin**: http://www.hpc.mcgill.ca/index.php/starthere/81-doc-pages/87-disk-space Some of your colleagues have experience using these systems, please do not hesitate to ask around. **Be considerate to your peers when you launch calculations**, you are sharing resources with lab members and other scientists from around the world: * Test carefully on small loads before you launch large amount of jobs. * To the best of your knowledge, use computation techniques that are resource efficient. * Ask around if you are not sure!