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===== McGill VPN ===== A connection through McGill VPN is required to access certain restricted resources from outside the lab or McGill campus. In order to use the McGill VPN, you need a valid McGill account. We allow access from both student and staff McGill accounts. The easiest way to solve any VPN or account issues is to call **McGill IT Customer Service (ICS)**. * **ICS phone**: (514) 398-3398 (recommended) They can also be contacted by email: * **ICS email**: ==== How to setup the VPN client ==== Instructions are available at the McGill IT Knowledge base: [[|McGill VPN for MAC]] [[|McGill VPN for Ubuntu]] [[|McGill VPN for Windows]] ==== New McGill Account Setup Facts ==== - If you are a **new casual employee**, you need one pay check cycle before your account can be created by IT services. Once you have received your first pay, you can call ICS to request your account. - If you have a **prior student account as well as a staff account**, McGill's policy is that you should be using the staff account for VPN (they often disable the student access). In case you are not sure, it is recommended to call ICS. - For **non-McGill employees** (Affiliates, such as Douglas), a team manager can request an affiliate McGill account at These accounts have to be renewed yearly. - If you are staff and simply do not know your McGill account credentials, call ICS.

mcgill_vpn.1457986359.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/03 17:23 (external edit)